I’m an expert at organizing chaos, creating systems and prioritizing profit (not just sales).
Here’s how I got there.
I spent fifteen years building someone else’s company, building his legacy. Then it went down in flames and I had nothing to show for it. No job. No legacy.
No dang airplane.
I wasn’t going to let THAT happen again.
Growing up, I knew I was either going to be a missionary living in a hut in Africa or sitting in a corner office. There were no other options, no other images for my future. I started my career at a non-profit with the unbridled optimism that I was going to save the world. Turns out I was a budget cut.
My next step was to turn to corporate America. I got a regular 9-5. Then another one. Then another one. Finally, I landed at a small business in the construction industry. I saw a huge need and a huge opportunity for me to learn. I went back to school to get my MBA and helped triple the company in 4 years. Then it happened. The company that I had put my blood, sweat and tears into went out of business. I was left jobless with bills to pay.
I set out to find a new job. I did more interviews that I can count. But none of them were the right fit for me; I turned down at least 3 job offers. But the last one had “A-ha!’ moment I finally needed.
The business owner was showing me his 5 year growth plan that ended with him buying his own airplane. He handed me my job offer and I knew: I would never work for someone else again. My whole career was spent helping others grow their legacy and wealth, while all I got was a paycheck. A paycheck that wasn’t going to get me my own dang airplane anytime soon.
So I built my own company.