From 6 Figures to 7-Figures - Is Your Team Ready?

As a company grows, we all come to rely on our team and departments to maintain the company at any size. We hire more competent people to handle the growth.

But here’s a harsh reality. The team that got you to 6-figures isn’t the team that will get you to 7-figures.

Do you know the limits of your team? Are they handling the incoming flux of work, or are they treading water?

When I work with companies one thing is consistent, there is always someone on the team that doesn’t need to be there.

It could be the next door neighbor that does their books 4 hours a week, the CPA that their parents used, the Controller who used to be the Office Manager, or the Marketing Director that has only worked retail. There is always at least one dedicated employee in a role that is beyond their abilities. They were great to get the company to $750k in gross revenue, but now that the company is doing $2m in sales they are in over their head.

In Tim Collins’ book, Good to Great, he talks about getting the right people on the bus, the wrong people off the bus, and getting them in the right seat. The bus is your company and the seats are the roles your employees play.  This is why, when we engage with a client, one of the first things we do is assess their team. I need to know the strengths and weaknesses of each player and how they can best use their talents to help the company grow. 

I’m not saying go out and fire Carol who has been with you for 10 years, but it might be time for her to play a different role within your company. Your team should no longer be trying to “keep up” but instead, be leading the way to the next step..

Want to know more? Schedule a call with me and let me show you some ideas.
With my team at Pivot Business Group we can help your company make fundamental, profitable changes to your company to have you seeing a greater profit in no time.
