Profit First in My Company

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Part of becoming a Certified Profit First Professional is implementing the cash methodology into your company. There are a few steps to follow with straightforward guidelines. 

Once I committed, I found a banking partner and got to work. I set up my 5 bank accounts, closed by old accounts and moved everything over. 

It only took 2 allocations of the money out of the income account for me to see the reward. I had money in my profit account that was just for me. It was my reward for taking the risk of starting a business. 

When it was time for my quarterly estimated tax payment and the money was sitting in my tax account, I had a smile as I wrote the check. No longer will I be worried about my tax liability, the money will be saved and ready to go. 

Implementing Profit First into my company has given me more freedom with my money and helped me pay down debt faster. I’m also more conscious of what money I have to spend, what it is for and I make better financial decisions.

Want to see what Profit First can do for your company? Let’s talk!