Start with Gratitude

Start with Gratitude.png

About 6 months ago I was at a mastermind with other entrepreneurs. One of my friends stood up to speak . Instead of promoting his company, sharing his pitch deck, or asking for investors he talked about gratitude.

He shared how his business had totally changed in the last year because he has begun each day with gratitude. The act of simply stopping and appreciating life has helped him focus and be intentional.

The rough outline he shared is:

  • Write down 3-5 things you are grateful for

  • Write down 3-5 dreams you have for your future

By stopping and appreciating what you have and dreaming about the future you change your perspective.

I have adapted this practice (admittedly not daily) and have seen big improvements in my mental battles. By focusing on the good I am able to push down my limiting beliefs and self doubt.

Rachel Hollis has a movement in this area as well. Her’s is called Start Today. You can buy her journals on her website or at Target (where I got mine).

Here approach is slightly different. Her model is :

  • Write down 5 things you are grateful for

  • Write down 10 dreams I made happen - this is written about future goals you want to achieve as if they have already happened. Example: I have a New York Times Best selling book

  • Write the goal you are going to achieve first

So often we forget to stop and appreciate what we have and dream about the future.

You don’t have to have a fancy journal, you can simply name the things you are grateful for in your head as you get ready in the morning.

I encourage you to start tomorrow and every day going forward with gratitude!

TipsPam Jordan1 Comment